Thursday, 8 April 2010

Anti-ageing and me !

well folks , Ive just turned 43 !! and I am refusing to get lines .. Im doing lots of research at the moment into the best techniques to stay young . I will keep you posted on my findings . oh and I will find them .Visit m at :

A young Audrey Hepburn

This Make-up was done on a young model during a Masterclass I was teaching at Mary Reid International Spa Academy . She transfomed beautifully into a young Audrey Hepburn . Thats the wonder of Make-up it can transforms people into exquisite . That is why we love Make-up so much bcause of its potential . every one is beautiful let us shine ..

Michelle Coletta Professional Make-Up Artist

Hi everyone and welcome to he first page of my new blog ! I'm really excited bout this as it will allow me to tell you all abou the new products I am testing at the moment and whats new and coming in the beauty world ! Anti-ageimng products are fascinating me at the moment and I'm doing lots of research on how we can keep ourselves looking great ladies !!! speak Soon and sparkle .. Michelle