Yikes . Thats the price of the new wonder cream by Sisley . Its more expensive than botox and has to be replenished every two months ? does this mean that botox is on the way out ? I dont think so . But I do think that we are happier with the less invasive options . In the UK its estimated that we are spending 1.8 million EVERY day on cosmetic proceedures ! these figures have tripled in the last 5 years but its not something that many people are willing to talk about as it raises so many moral issues . I'm not sure how I feel about me and botox ? But I do feel its completely up o the individual and I'm not one to judge . I dont think anyone should be made to feel bad for trying to fight the ageing process. We don't seem to judge the other way round. Botox is something I havn't tried but I wouldn't write it off completely not yet anyway as I still have to determine how how the ravages of time will set as time passes. So for now I'm taking an easier route . I will continue with my facials and to explore the painless route to ironing out my wrinkles .After all I just want to try to maintain I dont want to change . Is that so bad ?