Thursday, 10 June 2010

Is your beauy routine still working for you

With the passing of time we see changes in our physical appearances our thoughts and emotions too .

I love this time as is forces us to take a good look at what we are doing and how we can improve aspects of our lifes that start to feel less than great. Good news though , there is so much we can do about this it just requires a litle time to research and work out what we can do for ourselves to make it better . The results can be quite instant .

A good place to start can be on you from within and really think about what you are putting into your body and what nourishment you are giving it. Are you getting enough sleep or are you just expecting to keep running on empty . Time is a big issue for all of us and grabbing food on the go too ! A sandwhich for lunch ? Well it just might not be making you feel too great inside .

Our bodies are magnificant and they work tirelessly to keep good stuff in and bad stuff out but the longer this process goes on and the older the engine gets the more clogged the wheels get.

Detox is a great kick start for your engine and then you can start again by putting in the good stuff back in .

Our skin changes too and I am always amazed at the amout of women I meet that have been using the same foundations for 10 yrs sometimes 20yrs ! How on earth can that product be expected to do the same thing on an entirely different base . You skin will have chnaged too the textue and the colour will not be the same as it was last year never mind several years ago .

I change my make-up bases every other day depending on how much sleep I have had and what season we are in or what the occasion is.

Its important to go throuh your make-up needs with a proffessional Make-up Artist. I offer a 1 hour consultation so that we can go through your beauty rouine and finely tune it to what you need now .

So if your make-up just aint doing it any more and you need some help conact me avia my web-site at

Stay gorgeous ,happy and healthy

Michelle x