I am finding it hard to believe that Kate middleton decided to do her own make-up but it seems she has !
I thought she looked exquisit on the day and obvioulsy she is good at doing her own make-up but there were some tell tale signs that she had been sweeping the blusher brush herself ... a serious lack of blending of blush and eyeliner that it was indeed the work of Kates hand and not a pro .
A very brave step on her behalf as there were about 2 billion people tuning in to scrutinise her accross the Globe . I loved it ! the magic and the fairytale of it all , it brought a tear to my eye as she did look every inch the princess that little girls dreams are made of .
So girls all we need to do now is find our prince and probibaly a make-up artist on the day as blending is key :-) xx
Michelle x