let me tell you about the best Mascara in the world . Its by Kanebo and it forms a plastic coating over the lashes which gives a beautiful coverage . It lengthens and separates like no other I have ever used . I have tried every Mascara their is to try at one point but none have ever beaten this one for me .To remove it your just use hot water and massage it over the lashes and it comes off in a little plastic sheild . Not damaging to your lashes at all ! Its available in the UK through Harrods and costs about £18.00 it should last about 3-6 months depending on how well you take care of it . don't push the wand in and out more than 1-2 times for each use as any more pushes air into the container and causes it to dry out which is why our Mascara eventually starts to dry and flake and ends up smudging under your eye . not a good look ! So look after you wand and it will last longer . When it has sarted to dry out throw it out . As its not revivable.
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