Friday 9 April 2010

From the inside out

Beauty really does start from within what we allow in does reflect on the outside so our first principal to looking and feeling good is simple nurture your body and your mind . You wouldnt let a villain in your home so dont let in your body it will cost you in the long term. Here are my basic rules its so simple .
Get as much of this in as you can .
vitamin A = growth and renewal
vitamin B = firmness
vitamin C = tone and elasticity
vitamin D = cell development
viamin E = detox
The skin villans are Smoking, Alchohol, Sun and Stress .
The good news is that we are in control of all of this so its our choice to be good to our bodies , love them and they will serve you well.
Negative influences beware as these are the most harmful of all dont ignore that little coice inside that tugs at your stumoch. Avoid listening to it at your cost . Do not let negativity touch you . Anything that feels less than great usually is. So monitor the company you keep and avoid negative people . You will reep the emotional rewards surround yourself with people who make you feel great and that you admire. The ones that make you feel energised.
These are my simple and core stategies that if followed will make you feel good add one per day and you will soon feel a difference in your self and in your life.

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