Thursday, 1 July 2010

The Team Work !

Putting together any kind of even takes lots of preparation and the Right team to pull it all together . I recently hosted a fashion show at 29 Royal exchang square in Glasgow's city centre .We had such a great team and we all had great night.

The event was aimed at our working wardrobe and corporate image so together with Cruise, Thomas Pink , Forbes and Harper , GDH hairdressing and not forgetting The Make-up Team we got to work on our models for the show putting togther some great looks for business and making sure you get the edge over the competition . The event was the idea of Jennifer Innes , events organiser and Glasgow chamber of commerce.

Here is a shot of The team together .


The Revoluiton

I am fascinated by lipstick ,powder and paint as much as I am by what lies beneath. Take time to re-connect with you again . Remember the things you loved as a child what made you happy . its easy with the passage of time to forget who we really are.

There is a new revolution making its way to us and is already huge in the states .The revolution is all about living longer and it is now predicted by the experts in this field that the average 40-50yr old could infact live until 110 years old ! Scary thoughts !

I have become more and more interested in this subject and have been studying it avidly . What I am finding is that there are 4 areas that concentrate this theory .

1. NUTRITION : our western diets are bad ! our supermarkets are full of processed crap !!!!! most of whats packed on their shelves are so packed with rubbish .

2. EXCERCISE : Is important but not the knocking yourself out style . you shouldn't feel wiped out after a session just feel the burn and 20 minutes per day is enough to get our natural hormones in action .

3.SKINCARE: Make sure you are using products for protection by day and nurturing at night . A sunscreen with a high spf of at least 30 . and at night a cream .

4.VITAMINS and MINERALS: There are so many to look at . I wold suggest going ino a reputable supplieer and asking for their expertise .

Sleep is another essential as this is when your body heals and repairs itself and gets those hormones pumping again .Be selfish YES ... take time for you and what makes you heart sing ! You want the feel good endorphins flowing as they are like an internal holiday .. Make sure you get time to do the things you love and that your friends and family allow you time for this . Its not selfish ! Its necessary .

Be You xx

Friday, 25 June 2010



This seasons colours are smouldering we are going for sultry and sexy with very latino feel .

Summer is here and it time to get your skin glowing and sunkissed .

Cliniques tintied moituriser or kanebo are fabulous for your skin during the summer also guerlain who are still top of the game for great bronzing products.

So get a glow on your skin make you eyes smoulder and add a beautiful peachy pout and you will be ready for summer.

Try out some new looks on your own and dont be scared to experiment . have fun with your make-up !!
be a giry girl x
and dont forget to Sparkle
Michelle x

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Dress for success !

Hi All,

I have been asked to host a Fashion event in Glasgow at 29 on Wednesday the 23rd of June . This event is aimed at both Men and Women who are looking for a little inspiration and advice on how to put the right business look together.
Dress For Success !
29 Royal exchnge square
Wednesday 23rd June

The Chamber has pulled a team of style experts together for this event . Buisness men and wome will learn how to put the perfect look together for buisness . There will be a run way show and Your Host for the evening will be Michelle Coletta who has styled many of out well known faces on both TV and for magazines .

Style from

The Make-up team


Thomas Pinks


Forbes & Harper


Speakers on Leadership and buisnesss and personal development along with tricks to boost confidence and motivation.

tickets are available through Glasgow chambers at the link below.

Tickets to non members £50.00

members £25.00

I will be giving advice on make-up and styling throughout the evening showing you how to look your absolute best for any event and My team will be with me on hand to answer any questions you may have . I am really looking forward to it and hope to meet lots of new people. See you there !

Best Dressed


Thursday, 10 June 2010

Is your beauy routine still working for you

With the passing of time we see changes in our physical appearances our thoughts and emotions too .

I love this time as is forces us to take a good look at what we are doing and how we can improve aspects of our lifes that start to feel less than great. Good news though , there is so much we can do about this it just requires a litle time to research and work out what we can do for ourselves to make it better . The results can be quite instant .

A good place to start can be on you from within and really think about what you are putting into your body and what nourishment you are giving it. Are you getting enough sleep or are you just expecting to keep running on empty . Time is a big issue for all of us and grabbing food on the go too ! A sandwhich for lunch ? Well it just might not be making you feel too great inside .

Our bodies are magnificant and they work tirelessly to keep good stuff in and bad stuff out but the longer this process goes on and the older the engine gets the more clogged the wheels get.

Detox is a great kick start for your engine and then you can start again by putting in the good stuff back in .

Our skin changes too and I am always amazed at the amout of women I meet that have been using the same foundations for 10 yrs sometimes 20yrs ! How on earth can that product be expected to do the same thing on an entirely different base . You skin will have chnaged too the textue and the colour will not be the same as it was last year never mind several years ago .

I change my make-up bases every other day depending on how much sleep I have had and what season we are in or what the occasion is.

Its important to go throuh your make-up needs with a proffessional Make-up Artist. I offer a 1 hour consultation so that we can go through your beauty rouine and finely tune it to what you need now .

So if your make-up just aint doing it any more and you need some help conact me avia my web-site at

Stay gorgeous ,happy and healthy

Michelle x

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Benjamin Cook Personl Trainer

Hi All,

I have made a small investment . Its in the form of Ben Personal trainer to any-one wanting to improve their health or maybe just look and feel better about themseves . I think Ben could be the man !

I have had a couple of meetings with him now and this guy is a genuine butt buster ! Its not everyone we will let loose on this type of mission but I felt confident enough within minutes of meeting him that he was the PT for me !
He works at your pace and allows you to determine your own comfort zone .. well he says that until your first proper session and then you realise why this guy gets his results , He is good !

His mission for me is in my Gluteus Maximus region a huge task but one that He is happily taking on and seems confident that he can deliver the required rear- end results ! scuse the pun !

So now before I throw anything down my gullet I stop to think of what Ben would think ? I also have hovering in the background of my thoughts my next meet up with Ben and its doing wonders for my discipline . I will keep you posted !

He can be contacted at

He is worth checking out .

tight thighs

Michelle x

Make-up Master Class

Hi there,

I have just finalised the dates for my Master Classess 2010

These particular dates are for the professional therapist and I will be running these workshops on 2 Sundays per month throughout 2010.

The 1 day workshop will cover how to apply a beautiful make-up every time and I will be sharing some of the creative techniques I have devised over the many years I have been making up faces .

here are some dates for your diary: All Masterclasses will be held on a Sunday for 2010

July 11th and 25th

August 15th and 29th

September 12th and 26th

October 10th and 24th

November 14th and 28th

December 5th and 12th
For more informaton contact me at

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

looking good half naked !

Yeh Right!

Well summer is almost her so its time to prepare your body for looking good on the beach , i.e. half naked!

This time of year always seems to creep up on me even though I have had 5 months to prepare for it. Its always a last minute dash to the detox counter in bid to shed at least 1 stone , tone and tigten my bod and all from drinking a few cups of green tea .. well in my dreams!

No it requires a change in my entire thinking process . Focus and gruelling early morning runs !

I am again embarking on running , walking , cycling and stetching with a determination and routine that would impress even Ranolph Fiennes ! Well it is week one !

If however all that you can manage is the Detox .. well thats great too . when im feeling tired I switch all drinks to water and green tea and within a couple of days I feel such a difference .

So even making little changes can help loads.

So if like me you dread bikini time .. get yourself on detox first even that alone will get you more in the mood for unveiling your naked bod !

Tight thighs x


Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Lets go shopping !

Most women that I have met all have all had the same complaint about their make-up and its "How do we know where to start when shopping for the right foundation colours and products that are right for us ?" .. They say that every time the seem to come away with the wrong colour or the wrong or coverage for them and and a few extra products that they didn't even need . Can I tell you a secret ... sshhh .. quietly ....
Cosmetic houses train their assitants to SELL ! and LINK sell at that ! I know I have been one of their sales girls and we were encouraged to compete with each other quite ruthlessly to see who could get the most sales from ONE customer and be top sales person for the company ! So ladies I'm afraid that is what you are at the mercy of a glamorous group of very astute and trained sales people.
Even if you are lucky enough to wander straight to the right counter first time and choose the correct product you still have to deal with the sales girl !
This is why it is such a good idea to book a make-up lesson with a professional make-up artist as we have no particular loyalty to one company and will show you exactly what products suit you best choosing from as many companies as we choose. So take the trauma out of it and make it fun .
I have started a shopping service to I will be your personal make-up stylist and will come shopping with you and you will be guaranteed to leave the counters this time having purchased only products that you need and that are the perfect colour match for you and your skin.
for details of this service contact me at

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Get your eyebrows done by a PRO

Eyebrows that are shaped correctly should actually make your eyes look bigger and create lift around the eye area . We should always follow our natural brow shape I have included diagram above for you to follow . I would advise if you are not confident in your own abitity to tweeze then go to an eybrow expert .. usually not the same girl that does your brazillian ! look at your friends eyebrows that you like and ask who does theirs . Eyebrow shaping is skill and I would advise never to wax around the eye area as the skin is much finer and over time the harshness of the wax can toughen the skin . I dont ever wax near my eyes! DONT DO IT ! Also look at the shape of your brow and make sure that you are following the diagram above . If you have plucked over zealously and have sparse eyebrows because of it look at using eyeshadow to fill in the gaps ! I will warn you it takes time to get it right but if you persevere the end results are well worth it . vistit me at

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

10 steps to confidence

Our self confidence shapes the way we go through the world, influencing the choices we make, and determining the directions we take in life. When we build our confidence, we take control of our lives.Self-esteem tends to be built (or degraded) in a cumulative way, allowing us plenty of opportunities throughout the day to increase self-worth. So let's get started!
1. Be true to yourselfWe need to work on being true to our values, and not compromise them because of another person's demands or expectations. This means learning to stand up for ourselves, knowing our boundaries, and defending them if necessary. If we feel we are being disrespected, we need to speak up. If we're open and honest with people, we will respect ourselves more and so will others. Gaining a strong voice in our everyday lives can take time, but eventually it becomes habitual.
2. Let go of past mistakesBerating ourselves for past actions gets us nowhere. We can't change the past, so we must accept it. Carrying emotional baggage creates disharmony and regret, which chips away at our self-worth. It's all a matter of keeping things in perspective. Life is full of challenges and adventures, and since we make decisions based on who we are at the time, it's a waste of energy and serenity to carry ill feelings about ourselves. Let's cut ourselves a break -- we're all human -- and as long as we've learned from these mistakes, we're better for the experiences.
3. Don't compare yourself to othersIt's a fact that somewhere, someone is better at something than we are. If we're constantly comparing ourselves to others, we're doomed to fall short. When we do this, we're not honoring our own self-worth and strengths. Instead, we're allowing others to control how we feel by constantly trying to 'measure up.' When we focus on our strengths, we shine -- and whatever we choose to do, we do well.
4. Plan steps that move you toward your dreams and goalsWhen we're achieving our goals, we have a sense of satisfaction and pride in our lives. We feel better about ourselves, empowered by our successes. Low self-esteem is augmented by a lack of focus and unrealized dreams. Once we know what makes us happy, we can focus on achieving that. If the goal seems too big at first, break it down to little steps. The sense of achievement every day toward something great is a huge confidence booster.
5. Surround yourself with supportive peopleWe need to be aware of the people we surround ourselves with. Are we learning valuable things from them? Do they stimulate and motivate us? Whatever our goals are, we need people on our team to cheer us on -- not bring negativity, doubt or jealousy into our lives.
6. ExerciseWhen we engage in physical exercise, our bodies release endorphins which make us feel good, strong, and alive. Regular exercise will trim our bodies and tone our muscles, giving us healthier body images.
7. Keep learning new skillsIt's self-empowering to feel useful -- and knowledge is power. With each thing we teach ourselves, the more capable we feel. A great confidence builder is having others rely upon or admire us for our skills and abilities. Take classes, master a subject area, learn a new language, perhaps acquire higher computer skills -- and reap the reward of increased self-worth.
8. Do not look down on yourselfConstant self-judgment mentally exhausts us and keeps our focus on our faults, making us feel inferior. Every thought we have creates an action. Too many negative ideas can make us feel so poorly about ourselves that we might continue making self-destructive choices. We need to give ourselves a break -- we're only human!
9. Body languageSo often we are unconscious of how we're carrying ourselves and what image we're projecting to the world. When we hold our heads high and straighten our shoulders, we're telling ourselves and the world that we're a force to be reckoned with, that we are strong and confident. Even at first if we don't believe it, the 'fake it until you make it' idea can work here. Watch how differently you speak and act once you've corrected your slouched posture!
10. Overcome Fears'Do something every day that scares you.' This well-known quote is powerful because it's simple, yet so impacting. Our greatest fears may overwhelm us taken head-on, but if we challenge ourselves bit by bit, growing ever-stronger, we will find those big fears diminish in the power they hold over us. It's hard to look ourselves in the eye if we're afraid all the time. So, take baby steps, and soon that mountain won't seem so tall!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Behind the Scenes

The next time you see a gorgeous image on the page of a magazine just have think about how many people have been involved in putting that ONE image or fashion story together .

On any one shoot from the start to get the image to print there can be as many as 30 people creatively involved .

Fahion and ediorial is the favourite part of job its where get to be at my most creative I love working longside a team of stylists , photograhers ,models ,directors ,designers the list goes on ....... When working with a team you know and trust it creates an energy that inspires great results.

Nothing is ever as effortless as it seems but anything worthwhile never is .
visit my web-site at

Gimme Moore

This girl has got it
Get out there and give it some Demi !!

Just look at her cruise effortlessly towards her 50's ?

She has been the highest paid actress in Hollywood at one time , a mother , a buisness woman , had a diificult childhood ,drugs and achohol have affectd her . She had everything and gave it all away . She is a survivor and I like her style !

She is I think a beautiful example of someone who is comfortable in herself and not afraid to be controversial or of changing .
She has fire in her that I like well love really .. I love people who go out there and just do it their way ! Rule breakers ! I like the rule breakers ..

Life is too damned short ! Be everything that you can possibly be and more and aim to reach your potential in all that you do !

Oh and a really young and gorgeous new husband would probibaly help a lot towards getting that Demi feeling !

Monday, 26 April 2010

My Wb Site is Live !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and I'm ready to ROCK !!

I'll be adding more information about my products and services as we go along .. I hope you will keep a look out for my new an innovative ideas . I am updating them all the time and I'm constantly on the look out for new ideas and anything that makes us more gorgeous girlies !! I hope that there will be something to suit all .. from make-up to skincare and styling tips .. send this link to many for me please .......

Sparkle x


Sunday, 25 April 2010

Vintage chic

Its that sick flip of the stomach and a tightening of your chest that tells you all is not OK !Its our instinctual response to fear and up there in out top 5 is Ageing . It takes up a little space in the thoughts of us girls of a certain vintage ! As the saying goes there are only two things you can be certain of in life -death and taxes and whilst the latter can be sorted out by a good accountant there seems to be no-one on whom we can off load our torment about the former .

I dislike the process of ageing and how it seems to sneak up on you ! god it so just sneaks up behind us and takes hold . I dont like any part of it , Im being honest .. I quite like the face and the body I've got .. thank you ! and I dont want a different one ! I dont like the leading up to it and I dont want to see all of my experiences the good the bad and the ugly ones too all etched out on my face..... aarrgghh .. It feel like a twisted joke from above .

At 43 I worry about my many imperfections and that they are evidence of the more serious crimes that are lurking beneath waiting to one day bring pain and disease.

When I was in my late 20's I was given a book by Louise L Hay called you can heal your life .. I flicked callously through it paying little attention to the wisdom of this woman .. I wasn't going to age ! I feel very diffferently about it today and know that we can heal our lifes and there is so much we can do to soften the ravages of time and lifes good and bad eperiences .

Balance is the key to everything but in our society it has become so accepted to be stressed out . A friend of mine whos business is doing great just now said to me last week "buisness is doing so good just now I hardly have time to piss" their words not mine, It did get a loud shreek of laughter from me but left thinking well that isn't brilliant ! Athough Im sure their bank manager will be their new friend for the time being . I'm very aware of my own personal body bank and as I go into my 5th decade (kicking and screaming) I would still like my bank to be my pal in my 8th . I'm very careful of what I deposit and dont like to be in over draft no more ! Invest in your future and keep it well balanced . Look at your diet , exercise and I dont mean pound the treadmill till you cant breathe or you get so mind numbingly bored staring at your reflection in the mirror you can't stand another minute . I mean breathe in some of that energy and stretch that body and most importantly I think take a look at how you really feel are you happy because if your not you need to change something and fast !

When I'm 60,70 and 80, I want to feel happy with my wrinkles an know that only the ones that truly deserve their well etched place on my canvas are there !

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Facial Rejuvenation YES please !

With the passing of time lifestyle and personal experiences both good and bad can start to show on your face. Every laugh and frown can leave an imprint . The strains and stresses of every day life take esidence and before you know your starting to look older than your years! But the good news is that it doesnt have to be like this. This subject really gets my interest and I have been researching different anti-ageing techniques for some time now obsessively really ....I find facial massage to be the most beneficial of all the treatments I have tried and tested so far . I have been studying Facial massage its origins and just how it can reverse the signs of ageing. and Reiki I truly believe it has the power to heal us both emotionally and physically . My interest in it first developed a few of years ago after reading an article. It sparked my interest and since then I have read as much as I could find and have achieved a Reiki 1 level diploma in the Usui/Tibetan method. My Reiki master Mrs Linda J Thompson is a wonderful lady and much experience Reiki Master.
My interest as you can imagine lies mainly within the facial benefits that can be derived from healing hands .I'm totally obsessed by how we can make physical changes within our mind we are all becoming more aware of how much our emotions can affect our physical body. In our moden world our minds are busier than the rest of our body . Resulting in tightening of the muscles of the face neck and shoulders . Not a good look ! And can lead to chronic pain . Many cultures believe that there are vital energy centres throughout the body and the flow of energy leads to problems if it is blocked. By using massage combined with Reiki you can realease these blockages that are interupting your natural energy flow .
I am adding this service to my folio and am looking for a volunteer that I can carry out 6 anti-ageing facials on. All I ask in return is that I am allowed to show the results and tranformation over this six week period and that I can use this material fo mrketing and editorial purposes .
If you would like to take part in this contact me at

I look forward to hearing from you and cant wait to show the results on my blog . Get in touch all youve got to lose are those lines !!!!
Visit me at

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Make-up Make-up Make-up !!

I just cant get enough of the stuff !! Im loving the new colours that are out just now .. there are some gorgeous shades for spring and summer . foundations are just getting better and better they are so sheer and lovely with lots of great yellow tones that blend wonderfully with darker and more sallow skin tones. Paradise for me is a trip around the cosmetic houses at Harvey Nicks ! I have also discovered a great range of concealers . I have been on a life long search for the perfect cover up for under eye shadow as you can imagine its a big part of how I get eyes to shine and look brighter. I have had occasions where I have blended more that 5 colours just to get the coverage just right and get rid of those shadows ! Its very unusual to get it right with just one colour . An American Make-up Artist Eve Pearl has been doing her homework and has brought out a great range of concealers all salmon and orange based which helps to counteract the blue grey tone under eye tone . I love these concealers the texture is great too not too powdery and I have been using them lots especially on myself !
Available only in the States for now but Im sure we will be hearing more about this lady as she seems to be a marketing genius as well as a Great Make-up Artist .

Make-up face lift

I am currently adding my make-up face lift to my services that I offer. Make-up that is applied properl can actually take 10 years off any face . You just have to know how to apply correctly and what wil work best with your face .
My Make-up face lift can be done over 1 hr or 2 hours which includes instruction .
More details can be found on my web-site .

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

£445.00 self imrovement or madness

Yikes . Thats the price of the new wonder cream by Sisley . Its more expensive than botox and has to be replenished every two months ? does this mean that botox is on the way out ? I dont think so . But I do think that we are happier with the less invasive options . In the UK its estimated that we are spending 1.8 million EVERY day on cosmetic proceedures ! these figures have tripled in the last 5 years but its not something that many people are willing to talk about as it raises so many moral issues . I'm not sure how I feel about me and botox ? But I do feel its completely up o the individual and I'm not one to judge . I dont think anyone should be made to feel bad for trying to fight the ageing process. We don't seem to judge the other way round. Botox is something I havn't tried but I wouldn't write it off completely not yet anyway as I still have to determine how how the ravages of time will set as time passes. So for now I'm taking an easier route . I will continue with my facials and to explore the painless route to ironing out my wrinkles .After all I just want to try to maintain I dont want to change . Is that so bad ?

Tom Ford

Ton Fords fragrance Black Orchid is one of the most gorgeous scents of the decade an now he is launching his new lip colour collection in 12 great shades they come in ivory and gold cases embossed with his logo . In the collection is the sexiest red by the sexiest man ! £35.00 each I think I need them all ! better get saving ! Visit me at :

The best Mascara in the world

let me tell you about the best Mascara in the world . Its by Kanebo and it forms a plastic coating over the lashes which gives a beautiful coverage . It lengthens and separates like no other I have ever used . I have tried every Mascara their is to try at one point but none have ever beaten this one for me .To remove it your just use hot water and massage it over the lashes and it comes off in a little plastic sheild . Not damaging to your lashes at all ! Its available in the UK through Harrods and costs about £18.00 it should last about 3-6 months depending on how well you take care of it . don't push the wand in and out more than 1-2 times for each use as any more pushes air into the container and causes it to dry out which is why our Mascara eventually starts to dry and flake and ends up smudging under your eye . not a good look ! So look after you wand and it will last longer . When it has sarted to dry out throw it out . As its not revivable.

The Bridal Season is here

I have made up many brides over the years and I especially love this part of my work . I enjoy meeting with them and getting involved in helping them with their theme . As I have worked as a stylist on many occasions I am more than happy to help with co-ordinating their bridal theme .

I carry out Make-up trials for the Bride but anyone else in the Bridal party can have a make-up trial too . I tend to do trials 2 days per month and bridal bookings can be made after the trial up to a year in advance . For more information on my services please contact me at or

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Masterclasses aimed at the Pro

A well as my TV work I am also doing Masterclasses aimed at both the professional beauty therapist and the aspiring Make-up Artist .Bridal Make-up can bring in huge revenue for Salon owners and is very important that their therapists feel competent about their Make-up abilities . Over the years so many girls have asked me where they can train as Make-up Artists. The truth is there are no set routes to getting into the industry . Yes a good training is great .. but where ? In Scotland there is a shortage of good courses that are actually run by Industry Make-up Artists so this is why have set up my Masterclass to show all I have learned and to talk about an industry thats exciting and can be vey rewarding if ou are lucky enough to get into it . I think a very small percentage of young girls coming out of make-up school really know where to start and are usually unaware of just how difficult the industry can be to break into . So you will have to really belive in yourself and be prepared for some of the lows and frustrations that will lie ahead . Make-up is a very competitive industry so I want to teach my students not only about Make-up but how to survive the early days and the type of obstacles that they will need to over come . But with lots of talent and self belief everything is possible and I want to inspire them to achieve this . My Masterclassess are currently running at Mary Reid International Spa Academy.
And also at my own studio . For information and dates please contact Mary Reid or myself at

Monday, 12 April 2010

Feeling so Good today !

This morning I woke up to this beautiful sunshine and I felt good . I had the pleasure of some great company last night .. I met up with an old pal . you know the ones that you dont see from one year to 5 .. but you pick right back up here you left off ! What a laugh we had ! it was good for my soul .
So Today feeling good and the sun shining . I got myself out for my daily walk . I take in loads of oxygen and I feel great at the end of it !
I really do feel that the simple things bring the most pleasure .
So get out there and spend time with people that you love , get your body moving and your mind . Breathe take in lots of that oxygen , stretch and make sure you are loading your skin with plenty of protection and lots of nutrients . I like oils for my face they feel so replenishing .Have to be massaged in at night and I use factor 60 for day with a tiny amount of oil . Its good to give back what your taking out. and that applies to everything .

No more Mascara ?

But I love that stuff ..
Gorgeous lashes and and they last for weeks ! I had a budding young make-up artist trailing me for 3 days on a shoot a few weeks ago . Her lashes were spectacular and I kept looking at them and thinking how gorgeous her eyes were .. So on the third day of training I asked her about her really long and thick lashes .. "dead easy" she says .. I get them done every few weeks and they last , just cant wear mascara with them .
So in the name of research I just have to get these done too ..
Enough said Im booking in to get some of those great lashes ! I will keep you posted on how the process goes and how many people will notice if that I have sprouted a massive amount of eyelashes just like magic overnight ! hehe My secret .. but will show and tell the results soon .

Hope you are enjoying this fabulous weather .. Oh to be young and in love x

Friday, 9 April 2010

The girl is back !!!

Sometimes life stikes a blow and in an instant our life changes . We lose control of everything we thought we had control of and start the uncomfortable journey of learning that we didnt have any control in it in the first place . I am sitting here today in a different life from the one I had not so long ago . My old life that I fought so hard to keep and hold onto has gone. The more I fought against the changes that were happening you know the stonger they became because it had already been decided that I was changing . I was just the last to click on to it .The best part is that the minute I let go an allowed myself to flow with it I picked up its huge energy and allowed the transformation to happen. Today I feel so gratefull that I have been able to experience this and fortunate that I have been strong enough to weather the storm . I have learned a valuable lesson and one that I know will stay with me now forever . I feel grateful that I have been allowed to experience this lesson . It has taught me a lot about myself and about human beings. I think of it as flowing and not resisting allowing to detatch and having faith that it will all be ok . I wake up and I feel that I am exactly where I want to be and I know that I am just about to embark on the mot exciting part of my journey yet . Today and tomorrow are all that matter to me now.
I have dreams and I believe in myself I am stronger and I have little fear left . Oh and I cant stand the small stuff anymore unless of course were talking about a mascara wand or a lipstick ! Life is to damned short . Every day I give a huge smile and thanks that I am me ... I give thanks for my children who are my north my south my east and my west. Be true to yourself and to others laugh lots and love more for its the most important part of who we are.
Now lets get beautiful .. girlfriend its important !
Visit my site at

From the inside out

Beauty really does start from within what we allow in does reflect on the outside so our first principal to looking and feeling good is simple nurture your body and your mind . You wouldnt let a villain in your home so dont let in your body it will cost you in the long term. Here are my basic rules its so simple .
Get as much of this in as you can .
vitamin A = growth and renewal
vitamin B = firmness
vitamin C = tone and elasticity
vitamin D = cell development
viamin E = detox
The skin villans are Smoking, Alchohol, Sun and Stress .
The good news is that we are in control of all of this so its our choice to be good to our bodies , love them and they will serve you well.
Negative influences beware as these are the most harmful of all dont ignore that little coice inside that tugs at your stumoch. Avoid listening to it at your cost . Do not let negativity touch you . Anything that feels less than great usually is. So monitor the company you keep and avoid negative people . You will reep the emotional rewards surround yourself with people who make you feel great and that you admire. The ones that make you feel energised.
These are my simple and core stategies that if followed will make you feel good add one per day and you will soon feel a difference in your self and in your life.

First thought of the day

The moment I wake up before I put on my make-up ... just say a little prayer for you ! think of your day ahead and how good its going to be imagine how great you are going to look and feel . Take a deep breath in and out do this several times and while doing this think of your day ahead . smile , think of the people you love and give thanks that they are in your life . as you get out of bed ... stretch and feel the day open up in front of you ..

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Anti-ageing and me !

well folks , Ive just turned 43 !! and I am refusing to get lines .. Im doing lots of research at the moment into the best techniques to stay young . I will keep you posted on my findings . oh and I will find them .Visit m at :

A young Audrey Hepburn

This Make-up was done on a young model during a Masterclass I was teaching at Mary Reid International Spa Academy . She transfomed beautifully into a young Audrey Hepburn . Thats the wonder of Make-up it can transforms people into exquisite . That is why we love Make-up so much bcause of its potential . every one is beautiful let us shine ..

Michelle Coletta Professional Make-Up Artist

Hi everyone and welcome to he first page of my new blog ! I'm really excited bout this as it will allow me to tell you all abou the new products I am testing at the moment and whats new and coming in the beauty world ! Anti-ageimng products are fascinating me at the moment and I'm doing lots of research on how we can keep ourselves looking great ladies !!! speak Soon and sparkle .. Michelle